What Mexican Jungles and Global Banking Can Teach Us About Relating to Patients

Nelia Padilla | Vice President, Strategic Consulting | Cytel

Nelia is an accomplished leader in the field of using innovation to improve clinical research and how medicines are brought to market. She brings over 25 years of consulting and industry experience working with senior leadership in life sciences and is a speaker at national and international digital health conferences. She is a VP, in the Therapeutics Development Team at Cytel where she’s responsible for bringing the best study design capabilities at Cytel to clients. At IQVIA, she founded the digital health consulting group and was part of the team to develop StudyHub, the firm’s decentralized trial offering.

Before joining IQVIA, Nelia spent more than 8 years at Strategy&, a PwC company (formerly Booz & Company) where she co-led the Personalized Medicine offering. Prior to starting her consulting career, Nelia spent over seven years working in regulatory affairs for pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms in the US, Canada and Europe including Serono and Cell Therapeutics helping to bring oncology and multiple sclerosis products to the market. Nelia earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Harvard University and a Master of Business Administration from the Yale School of Management.

*filmed in October 2022 in West Chester, Pennsylvania at the Innovation Network Gathering.


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