Dive Deep into Innovation

As a registered attendee for the Innovation Network Gathering, you’ll work shoulder to shoulder with industry leaders to solve the most pressing challenges of clinical trials, technology, and services.

The best part of this event is what you bring and what we’ll work on together.

Dive Team sessions are breakout working groups that gather decision makers and innovators in the clinical trial industry to discuss and find solutions to challenges within the sector for lasting impact beyond the conference.

They are designed to facilitate working shoulder to shoulder with industry leaders, diving into in-depth conversations on challenging topics that produce tangible outcomes.

The term “Dive Teams” are inspired by remarkable individuals that by working together explore the deepest part of the world, the Mariana Trench.

What can we discover and accomplish when we bring the best people together in the pursuit of advancing the Clinical Trial industry for all?

What are Dive Teams?

Small groups (Dive Teams) break out to explore deep questions (Challenger Questions), flag items for the future, and identify doable projects to advance the whole sector.

Challenger Questions: Dive Teams address critical issues within the sector. Participants engage in meaningful dialogue to produce actionable solutions.

Submit Your Own Challenger Question

We want to hear from the sector about the biggest challenges that need to be tackled. Submit your topic suggestion now."

How Dive Teams Work

Dive Team Topics for 2024

Confirmed Topics:

  • What’s a problem in clinical trials this team wants to solve in 48 hours? (Wild Card)

  • How might we advance adoption of data interoperability standards?

  • How might we better integrate the site voice into protocol design (and evaluation of tools and technologies)?

  • How might we better evaluate and score the tools and technologies used in clinical trials?

  • How might we embed innovation more quickly into business as usual and minimize time in pilots?

  • How might we identify barriers to adopting modernized central monitoring and get solutions for overcoming those barriers?

  • How might we better coordinate with and support physicians who aren't Principal Investigators?

  • What do we want to predict? What are the best additional uses for data gathered in clinical trials?

Other Potential Topics:

  • How do we advance principles for responsible deployment of AI?

  • How might we broaden clinical trial awareness and inclusion to make it easier for people to find trials for which they might be eligible? How might ClinicalTrials.gov be improved?

  • How can we best align financial incentives across the spectrum to deliver fast, high quality trials?

  • How might we better evaluate protocol design prior to starting studies in order to result in higher quality and an improved human experience?

  • How might we reduce burden in clinical trials, for sites, patients and study teams, from design through conduct and close out?

  • How might we increase the number of clinical trial professionals who participate in clinical trials?

2024 Registration is Open!

Use the following form to nominate yourself or someone else.

If you have already been nominated and invited, please check your inbox for your special registration link and register ASAP. One of the defining features of the Gathering is that there are only 150 attendees that are invited for the full event.

What attendees are saying…

  • "I left the Innovation Network Gathering inspired and filled with new perspectives!"

    - Aaron Horowitz
    Founder & CEO | Empath Labs

  • "Every aspect of the Gathering is highly orchestrated...from start to finish, participants are engaged in a seamlessly executed program."

    - Laura Hilty
    Principal | HealthX Ventures

  • "Well done. Great opportunity to bring great minds together."

    - Kim Buchanan

    Associate Director Development Quality | Merck