Unblock the Innovation Bottleneck

Laura Hilty | Vice President, Strategy | Advarra

Laura leads efforts to create efficiencies for all stakeholders in the clinical research landscape through Advarra solutions and external partnerships. She has been in healthcare technology for 16 years and has held a variety of roles spanning corporate strategy, product management, and partnerships. In her twelve years with Advarra, Laura has worked with customers and community members to grow the company’s range of services that address inefficiencies within the clinical research industry, as well as launching several products.

Given the many years working with research sites in depth and seeing the challenges they face on industry studies in particular, she is passionate about bringing together multiple stakeholders to collaborate in industry-wide efficiencies across sites, sponsors, CROs, the IRB and the patients we all serve.

*filmed in October 2022 in West Chester, Pennsylvania at the Innovation Network Gathering.


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